Reboots walking coaching

Put on your hiking boots

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same result you always have. Often you’re not even aware that you keep turning round in the same circles.

By learning to think differently, you will start to feel different and do things differently. Which in turn will lead to different results … that will make you feel better and make your life so much more pleasant.

It sounds simple and it is.

I’ll take you on an enlightening walking coaching session through nature. Using coaching and NLP techniques, you’ll be offered a number of practical tools with which you can immediately get to work. After our walk you will return home with a light step and a clear head.

Practical info

Shall we hit the road together?


Leave your details with me and I will contact you for an introductory talk without obligation.


If you then decide to set out with me, we will choose a date for our first walking coaching session.


During our first meeting, we will determine your coaching need together and immediately get to work.

Don’t just sit there

Contact me



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Is life a gift for you or a heavy task?

Why are some people upbeat and light as they step through life whilst other people have difficulty getting out of bed in the mornings?

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Pascale Barbaix

About me

What I’ve learned about the way in which we think and act has made my life so much easier.

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Do you think you’re worth the investment?

If you’re still hesitating, ask yourself this: what will it cost me if I don’t do it?

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